т.: +38 (068) 68-7-59-59
03 June 2024

Lviv Urban Forum

To preserve and restore our cities, we must take responsibility.  Here and now, everyone in their place - mayor, architect, business, residents. We should not wait for opportunities, but create them, work harder, move faster, make difficult decisions, adopt best practices and apply them wisely in the local context.  

To preserve and restore our cities, we must take responsibility.  Here and now, everyone in their place - mayor, architect, business, residents. We should not wait for opportunities, but create them, work harder, move faster, make difficult decisions, adopt best practices and apply them wisely in the local context.  


We are responsible for the present, so with limited budgets, we have to come up with mechanisms to rebuild housing, create a system of care for thousands of citizens affected by the war, and ensure a quality of life for communities that will enable human potential to be fulfilled not tomorrow, but today. 


We are responsible for the future. At the second Urban Forum, we will continue the dialogue on what urban planning policy and legislation should be, and what tools and resources can already be used to bring about qualitative changes in cities. 


We are responsible for the past and its worthy commemoration in the urban space, for the preservation of historical heritage, which should become an asset, not a burden, for the community.

Convenient location of the ADVENUS hotel provides our guests fast and comfort transport connection with the most popular places in Lviv and main transportation points.

Distance from the hotel to the railway station is 5.2 km, to the airport — 1.6 km and to the center of the city — 6.3 km.

Near the hotel you can find public transportation stops from where you can get to different places of the city.


The hotel is located on the territory of the largest in Western Ukraine shopping and entertainment center which offers a wide variety of services.


Lviv, Schiretskaya, st. 36      tel.: +38 (068) - 68 - 7 - 59 - 59
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